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Snowflake Tempo Command Reference

Resource Management

Initialize Application Resources

CALL management.create_resources();

Purpose: Initializes the application by loading required model weights and configurations Required Permissions: Warehouse, compute pool, and task management access

Static Detection

Run Inference

CALL static_detection.inference(True);


  • True/False: Specifies whether to include optional MITRE tactic mappings in the classified anomalies. Set to TRUE to include the mappings, or False to exclude them. Purpose: Executes inference on specified service data

Deep Dive Analysis

CALL inspect.deepdive(sequence_id);


  • sequence_id: Identifier of the sequence to analyze (string/integer)

Purpose: Investigates specific sequences flagged as anomalies

MITRE ATT&CK Technique Classification

CALL inspect.mitre_classification();

Purpose: Classifies known anomlies to the corresponding MITRE ATT&CK technique

Automated Detection

Start Automated Inference

CALL automated_detection.start_automated_inference(


  • source_table_name: Fully qualified name of the source table (string)
  • slot_number: Reference slot number (integer) Notes:
  • Scheduled for 8:00am UTC daily
  • Stream names are automatically generated based on slot numbers:
    • Slot 1: stream_one_interactions
    • Slot 2: stream_two_interactions
    • Slot 3: stream_three_interactions

Manage Automated Inference

CALL automated_detection.alter_automated_inference('stream_name', 'action');


  • stream_name: Name of the stream to manage (string)
  • action: One of the following (string):
    • 'suspend': Pause inference while maintaining stream updates
    • 'resume': Restart paused inference
    • 'stop': Terminate inference and clear source data

Example Usage:

-- Suspend stream
CALL automated_detection.alter_automated_inference('stream_one_interactions', 'suspend');

-- Resume stream
CALL automated_detection.alter_automated_inference('stream_one_interactions', 'resume');

-- Stop stream
CALL automated_detection.alter_automated_inference('stream_one_interactions', 'stop');

Model Optimization

Model Evaluation

CALL model_optimization.evaluation();

Purpose: Evaluates the model's effectiveness using labeled user data to determine if the base model is suitable for the given use case.

Fine-tune Model

CALL model_optimization.tune_model('service_name');


  • service_name: Name of the service for model tuning (string)

Purpose: Updates model based on tuning log data from the reference page

Model Rollback

CALL management.model_rollback(version);


  • version: The integer version number of the model to be rolled back.

Purpose: Removes the specified version of the model and its metadata from the app.


  • All commands require appropriate permissions for warehouse, compute pool, and task management
  • The management console is accessible via the Streamlit dashboard
  • Reference data can be managed through the web-based management interface